This 1 gallon bag of gem gravel will have you searching for garnets, sapphires, rubies, spinels, chrysoberyl and zircon. These are not huge gems but some will be big enough to cut a small finished gemstone. They can also be kept as a collection where you can admire the fantastic colors. We had purchased this Tunduru River gem mix about 10 years ago and have searched for it ever since. Thankfully, we were finally able to get more of this colorful, gemmy material to share with you. We know you’ll enjoy this gem gravel
These gems are added to our El Dorado sapphire gravel. The chance of finding a natural Montana sapphire is slight but still there.
Spinel: Mohs Hardness 7.5 – 8 Colors: White, Colorless, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Black
Zircon: Mohs Hardness 6-7.5 Colors: Usually yellow, brown, or red. Also colorless, gray, blue, and green.
Sapphires: Mohs Hardness 9; Color: Any color but often pinks, purples, oranges and golds from this location.
Chrysoberyl: Mohs Hardness 8.5; Color: green, gold, yellow
Garnets: Mohs Hardness 6.5 – 7.5; Colors: Pinks, peaches and orange.
At-home mining can be tremendous fun for families, friends or individuals. Some find this activity quite relaxing, others love the thrill of the hunt, it all depends on you!
If you would like additional tweezers or other mining tools, check out our selectionof gravel for sale HERE.
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